Meet Chelsey


Chelsey is an Administrative Assistant at Yuma Investment Group. Although she has been here a short while, she has been enjoying the office, her fellow coworkers, and the fast-paced environment making every day exciting.

Chelsey is originally from California. But she became a Yuma transplant in 2004 and considers Yuma her home. She joined the Army National Guard when she was only 17 and served for two years. She hopes to continue her college journey at Arizona Western College and graduate soon with her AA.

When she’s not in the office learning new ways to help our clients, you’ll find her around town in her big, lifted truck and counting down the days until the dove season. Her passion is supporting her kids in their activities and building a strong bond between the three of them. Her oldest is passionately involved in a cadet program with the Navy, while her youngest is still exploring his interests and enjoying everyday life as a kindergartener. Chelsey hopes to instill dedication, responsibilities, and loyalty to her children.